Career Pathways
A career pathway is a combination of rigorous, high-quality education, training, and other services that focus on alignment between education and industry need, secondary and postsecondary credential attainment, entry and advancement in specific occupations or occupational clusters, acceleration of educational and career advancement, and career-focused counseling services.
Career Pathways
National Career Pathways Network
NCPN strengthens the education-to-careers pipeline through professional development in Career Pathways, Adult Career Pathways, career and technical education (CTE), and workforce development. NCPN facilitates the exchange of promising practices and innovations and assists educators and their partners in planning, implementing, evaluating, and improving Career Pathways. Learn more.
NCPN Pathway Perspectives
NCPN’s online journal presents timely articles of interest to Career Pathways stakeholders. Articles include:
- Mapping Your Students’ Career Pathway Opportunities by Debbie Davidson, Technical Assistance Director, CORD
- Employer Strategies for Managing Successful Employer Councils by Ann Beheler and Mark Dempsey, National Convergence Technology Center, Collin College
- Making the Case for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core by Hope Cotner, President and CEO, CORD
Designing and Delivering Career Pathways at Community Colleges: A Practice Guide for Educators
A publication from the National Center for Education Evaluation at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) provides practical advice for two-year postsecondary Career Pathways practitioners. The publication highlights five recommendations and related strategies and resources on effective Career Pathways program designs, instructional methods, delivery models, student supports, and partnerships. Go to resource.
Employer Engagement
Effective career and technical education depends on active employer engagement built on trusted relationships between educators and employers. CORD projects and resources support processes that engage employers in co-leadership of career-fucused education programs.
Employer Engagement
Pathways to Innovation – BILT Academy
CORD’s Building Pathways to Innovation (PTI) Through Strategic Employer Engagement project builds on the ATE-supported Business & Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model, a proven method for strategic employer engagement developed by the National Convergence Technology Center. Colleges involved in PTI develop employer partnerships that yield workforce intelligence that facilitates continuous program improvement and innovation. PTI fosters a culture of innovation co-led by employers and college faculty through two complementary initiatives: BILT Academy and the Grant-Seeker Academy.
Employer Engagement Toolkit
CORD’s Employer Engagement Toolkit is designed to help colleges identify new areas for engagement, implement engagement activities, and manage their partnerships. The toolkit provides employer viewpoints, college best practices, and case studies of successful engagement activities. The toolkit focuses on helping colleges achieve results such as increased enrollment, increased hiring rate of graduates, and better alignment between skills and curriculum.
Employer Engagement Study Report
Funded by the ECMC Foundation, CORD’s 2021 report titled A Look at Partnerships Between Employers and Community and Technical Colleges: Observations and Recommendations presents an analysis of data collected through a study of employer engagement in career-technical programs at community and technical colleges. The study focuses specifically on employer motivations to engage, perceived employer benefits and return on investment, and how employer engagement impacts colleges’ ability to develop and deliver effective workforce development programs.
The Future of Work
The Future of Work is already here. Rapidly accelerating advancements in technology require cross-disciplinary workers who are equipped to function within diverse platforms and systems that formerly belonged to single industry sectors but have become increasingly interrelated. The workplace of the future will require technicians who are able to navigate complex workplace environments in which existing jobs are constantly evolving and new jobs are being created.
Future of Work
Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work
Technology advances are changing industries at an unprecedented pace, demanding an ever-expanding array of knowledge, skills, and abilities from technicians in the STEM disciplines. Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work is conducting regional activities with employers and educators to help transform technician education at the associate degree level. Learn how this CORD-led NSF ATE initiative is supporting workforce development for tomorrow’s technicians through instructional resources and employer engagement tools that foster implementation of a cross-disciplinary STEM core.
Stackable Credentials
The approach by community and technical colleges of embedding “stackable” certificates aligned to industry certifications within associate degrees has emerged in recent years as a practical way of helping students progress along the education continuum while earning credentials with labor market value. By organizing programs into a series of credentials that build on each other, colleges can offer incremental milestones on the path to associate degree completion.
Stackable Credentials
Introduction to Stackable Credentials provides practical steps for enhancing employer engagement, designing programs with stackable credentials, supporting student completion, and sustaining programs responsive to employer needs. Topics include employer engagement, designing curriculum for stackable credentials, supporting completion, and sustaining stackable credentials. Each section offers resources, tools, and promising practices.
Employability Skills
Individuals require many skills to be college and career ready, including academic knowledge, technical expertise, and a set of general, cross-cutting abilities called “employability skills.” These include skills such as interpersonal skills and teamwork, communications, integrity and professionalism, problem solving and decision making, initiative and dependability, information processing, adaptability and lifelong learning, and entrepreneurship.
Employability Skills
The Necessary Skills Now Network is a CORD-led NSF-ATE project dedicated to facilitating collaboration between educators and employers to improve the employability skills of entry-level technicians in STEM fields. The Network offers professional development, a community of practice, and instructional resources supporting two-year technical programs.
Contextualized Instruction
Contextual teaching makes learning meaningful and relevant by connecting concepts taught to life outside the classroom. It integrates students’ skills, interests, experiences, and cultures into what and how they learn and are assessed. Contextual teaching helps students to understand not only the “what” of their learning but the “why.”
Contextualized Instruction
REACT Strategy
CORD’s approach to contextual teaching and learning takes the form of five essential learner engagement strategies that we refer to collectively as REACT: Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring. See this handout for more.
Contextual Teaching Toolkit
This resource features an overview of the cognitive theories that support a contextual teaching approach and provides templates for developing contextual lessons that help students make meaningful connections between abstract concepts and practical workplace applications. Resources for developing integrated, scenario-based instructional projects are also provided to support faculty in their efforts to bring authentic workplace context into their classrooms.
Contextual Teaching Materials
CORD has developed both science and mathematics instructional materials based on the contextual teaching approach. Explore our series for high school students.